This runs the generated Ant build script to build your application. In this release we have introduced a new, top-level build script to provide a consistent and customizable build process for Ext JS and Sencha Touch applications The "sencha app build" is one way to perform an application build. This made it difficult at times to account for the differences in build process for example, when upgrading frameworks or switching between apps for different frameworks. In order to use a package, an application "requires" it in its app. Due to the complications this approach creates and the fact that often these updates are not wanted on the application, these commands no longer update "app. sencha cmd 3.0

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The content of the input file is converted to Unicode internally. In this release, frameworks can now contain their packages and these are no longer copied out of the framework when the framework is introduced to the workspace.

sencha cmd 3.0

Framework Packages Packages were introduced in Sencha Cmd 3. March 28, Version Number: The build script is basically a sequence of build steps called "targets".

This file, however, has been refactored into several smaller scripts.

In other words, the old structure of the build folder was: This is beneficial because compiled code avoid many run-time checks and process things synchronously vs. This means the build can now be customized as needed. Further, the location of this file differed by framework.

Release Notes for Sencha Cmd 3.1.2

Alternatively, you can chose to wrap your own build process around the "sencha sejcha build" command. Guides describing all of the particulars of packages will be available soon.

The Ant equivalent of "sencha app build [production testing native package]" is: The best practice here as always is to perform upgrades with a clean working tree no pending changes. December 23, Version Number: This presupposes that you have already upgraded the framework as part of a upgrading a different application in the workspace.

With this release we have done considerable internal refactoring to support the the latest Sencha Touch beta as well as add Cordova integration and the new sencha app watch command. Just installed latest sencha-touch The Ant equivalent of "sencha app build [production dmd native package]" is: The defaults are stored in your.

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The default is "UTF-8". The use of source control to review the resulting changes from an upgrade is not new.

sencha cmd 3.0

To enable this build step, add the following to. Also you can consult the Ant Manual for details on using Ant. One key change in the set of build properties in this release is the concept of "build cme such as "production" or "testing". Property expansion has also been enabled for app.

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Fieldset instead of Ext. February 13, Version Number: Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. So you need to install compass first. You don't have to do anything extra to get Ant it is provided by Sencha Cmd and you don't have to know anything about Ant.

Instead of "ISO", the value to the right of charset can be any valid Java sencba name. To use the new charset directive in your JS files, place this as the first line:. April 5, Version Number: This version of Sencha Cmd 3.


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